This page details some the important process in the PingPong exchange as well as some key formulas , interfaces and general contract structure
Conceptual Overview
This overview might be at odds with the code. If you spot something like that please let us know so we can fix it.
Variable Definitions
For simplicity and as reference point here is a more detailed definition of all variables and short names used throughout the description.
Market - A contract that facilitates swaps between ETH and an ERC20 token and vice versa.
- The amount that the AMM stores of a particular asset A
k - The invariant of the AMM
S - The percentage difference between a price level N and the one above it
- The nth price level, equal to from eth to token i.e. 1ETH = TOKEN
SwapFee - The fee (in percentages) payed buy order takers/traders
floor - The nearest price level below the current rate of the AMM
ciel - The nearest price level above the current rate of the AMM
- Traditional liquidity shares as they appear in an AMM
Depositing Liquidity to AMM
This part is identical to how existing AMMs work. Liquidity providers deposit amounts of ETH and TOKEN that maintain the existing ratio in the exchange. In return they get liquidity shares equal to:
Setting Up Limit Orders
A harder consideration is how do you set up limit orders. The current design enables users to send ETH to the floor level and TOKEN to the ciel level. In return they get withdrawal tokens at a 1 to 1 ratio to the tokens they need to receive as a result from the trade. minted to them. These tokens guarantee that after a level has been completely passed then anyone who deposited an asset can withdraw the appropriate amount of the other asset. It's up to the user to actualize his withdrawal tokens and move them to her own wallet. Alternatively, the user can call watchers that can withdraw user tokens on their behalf.
Performing Trades
Performing a trade has a few stages, first the trader goes to the AMM and pays a fee on the whole trade. The trader then buys tokens/eth in the AMM until they hit a price wall. They then buy tokens/eth from the price wall until the wall is dry after which they go back to the AMM. This process can continue until the desired take amount is fulfilled.
In the following section we'll provide a flow of performing a sell of X tokens to eth.
When initially accessing the contract it first determines the fee the user must pay for his trade (a constant percentage).
After the actual SellAmount is calculated the exchange calculates the amount of tokens that are to be sold in the AMM and which are to be passed to the nearest ciel level. It does so using the formula (derivation provided below): Note that we are using n+1 when calculating EthToTokenPrice because n refers to the floor and not the ciel.
It then sells TokensSoldInAMM according to:
If there are still tokens left to sell it sells them at:
If the ciel is not enough to fill the SellAmount then repeat steps 2-4
A similar process can be performed for Selling eth and buying eth and tokens
Order of entering a limit order
The current design is that ignores the order in which market makers set up limit orders. It is entirely possible that someone who put their order first will end up withdrawing the trade proceeds last as because they were late to respond.
We could potentially compnsate early entrants by minting less withdraw tokens the more tokens already exist at the the level:
The tradeoffs of increased complexity versus potentially better incentive are still being explored.
Contract Structuring
Each TOKEN/ETH pair is a market consisting of an unlimited number of contracts.
Automated Market Maker
This is a single regular contract (not a library, due to the high amount of transactions to the contract not worth the delegate call overhead) serving as the entry point to the DEX.
It shares a lot of it's functionality with the traditional AMM with some of the main changes outlined below.
It stores AMM reserves and liquidity tokens and shares most of it's functionality with existing AMM. The exepction of course is that the trading takes into account the EthTillCiel/TokenTillFloor amounts defined earlier and calls the Ciel/Floor contracts accordingly.
Floor/Ciel Contracts
Each market has multiple Floor/Ciel contracts that proxy their logic into a shared master contract. The core of each logic an be summed into the following
A similar contract exists for the Floor levels.
Gas Cost Estimation
Other than some relatively cheap calculations the potential additional gas costs are:
20K more for each level involved
40K (or maybe 20K depends on cost of exponentiation) for each time a level is passed
Last updated
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